"Is my project considered maintenance/repair, minor work, or major work? "At-A-Glance Design Guidelines
Please consult with the city staff planning dept at the early stage of your project to avoid any conflicts:
City of Spartanburg Planning Department
440 S. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306
Phone (864) 596-2068
🆕 Spartanburg Historic Design Guidelines (1996 original document scanned):
Complete document (155 pages)
Document separated into 4 parts:
The Board of Architectural Design and Historic Review Design Manuel Checklist
Excerpted from The Design Manual, for The City of Spartanburg: Historic Districts and Landmarks,
The Jaeger Company, October, 1996
Edited by Kathleen Fox, City Planner
February 2001
Please Note: Guidelines and Recommendations begin at Section 6.0.
Please refer to the Design Manual for the full design guideline text and graphics.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Spartanburg Historic Preservation Ordinance
1.2 Design Review Process
Determining Whether a Certificate of Appropriateness is Needed/Preliminary Meeting with Board Subcommittee
Submitting an Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness
Board Review/Public Hearing - Application Approved - Certificate of Appropriateness Issued
1.3 Purpose of Design Guidelines
Protect the historic character and integrity of a district;
Provide guidance to design professionals and property owners undertaking construction in the district;
Provide an objective basis for review, assuring consistency and fairness; and
Increase public awareness of the district and its significant characteristics
Design Guidelines Are NOT Intended to:
Limit growth and development within the district;
Apply to routine maintenance or to work which does not visibly affect the district, such as interiors;
Dictate stylistic design approaches which are based on individual preferences; and
Restrict creative design solutions.
1.4 State and Federal Review Process - National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
What Makes a Property Historic? (from page 6)
Several criteria are used to determine whether a property is historic. They
Properties that are greater than or equal to 50 years old are considered historic.
Special Architectural Significance - Some properties less than 50 years old are considered historic because they possess special architectural significance: for example, they might be the first of a type to be built in that architectural style.
Historic Association - Some properties less than 50 years old are considered historic because of their association to significant event or person(s).
2.0 Downtown Spartanburg Historic District Profile
2.1.1 Commercial Building Types
2.1.2 Architectural Styles and Details
2.2 Landscape Resources
2.2.1 Original Town Plan
2.2.2 Morgan Square: The CBD's Most Significant Open Space
2.2.3 Vegetation
2.2.4 Streetscape
3.0 Hampton Heights Historic District Profile
3.1 Architectural Resources
3.1.1 House Types - basic form of a house exclusive to the stylistic ornamentation that may be present. Type is determined by the floor plan and height of a house. Roof shape,
Bungalow - front gabled, side gabled, hipped, and cross gabled
Georgian House
Side Hallway House
American Foursquare
Temple Front Cottage
Queen Anne House
Minimal Traditional House
Apartment Buildings
Associated Outbuildings
3.1.2 Other Residential Building Types
Apartment Buildings (multifamily housing)
Associated Outbuildings
3.1.3 Architectural Styles and Details
Queen Anne (1880's - 1910)
Folk Victorian (1880's to 1910)
Colonial Revival (1890's to 1950's)
Dutch Colonial Revival (1920's to 1930's)
Craftsman (1910's to 1930's)
Classical Revival (1890's to 1930's)
English Vernacular Revival (1920's to 1940's)
Spanish Colonial Revival (1920's to 1930's)
3.2 Landscape Resources
3.2.1 Layout/Original Plan
3.2.2 Streetscape Characteristics & Materials
Public Right of Ways
Private Property
3.2.3 Vegetation
4.0 Beaumont Mill Village Historic District Profile (Reserved)
5.0 Preservation Principals and Approaches for Architectural Rehabilitation Projects
5.1 Use of Historic Properties
5.2 Preservation Methods
5.3 United States Secretary of the Interiors "Standards for Rehabilitation"
5.4 Eight Steps of a Preservation Project
Inspect the property and make a wish list; define the project and develop a preliminary concept; refine preliminary concept and develop a master plan; stabilize the building; carry out structural repairs; carry out infrastructure repairs; carry out energy conservation improvements; and carry out cosmetic work.
Format for Guidelines and Recommendation, which begin at Section 6.0
GUIDELINES - are processes or procedures that are seen as necessary for the protection of the historic character of the district. Any direction written as a 'guideline' is also considered to be a legitimate area of review for the HARB.
RECOMMENDATION - is a direction written as a 'recommendation' is seen as being less critical to the protection of the district but is still a desirable process or procedure to adhere to when possible. Oftentimes, recommendations are written for procedures that are not within the purview of the HARB, such as paint color, maintenance, and interior changes.
6.0 New Construction Guidelines
6.1 Define Area of Influence
GUIDELINE - Define the area of influence in considering the appropriateness of a design for a new building in a historic district. It is important to determine the area of influence of the site of that new development; the area should be that which would be visually influenced by the building; a consistent streetscape will result when new buildings are designed in consideration with what already exists.
6.2 Recognizing the Prevailing Character of Existing Development
GUIDELINE - Identify and respect the prevailing character of adjacent historic buildings and surrounding development
6.2.1 Building Orientation and Setback
GUIDELINE - The orientation of a new building and its site placement shall appear to be consistent with the dominant patterns within the area of influence, if such patterns exist.
6.2.2 Directional Emphasis
GUIDELINE -A new building's directional emphasis shall be consistent with dominant patterns of directional emphasis within the area of influence, if such patterns exist.
6.2.3 Shape
GUIDELINE - Roof pitch shall be consistent with those of existing buildings
GUIDELINE - Porch form shall be consistent in shape and size with those of existing buildings
GUIDELINE -The principal elements and shapes used on the front facade of a new building shall be compatible with those of existing buildings in the area of influence.
6.2.4 Massing
GUIDELINE - The massing of a new building shall be consistent with dominant massing patterns of existing buildings in the area of influence, if such patterns are apparent.
6.2.5 Proportion
GUIDELINE - The proportions of a new building shall be consistent with dominant patterns of proportions of existing buildings in the area of influence if such patterns are apparent.
6.2.6 Rhythm
GUIDELINE - New construction in historic district areas shall respect and not disrupt existing rhythmic patterns in the area of influence, if such patterns are apparent.
6.2.7 Scale/Height
GUIDELINE - Scale shall be consistent with dominant patterns, additions shall not appear to overwhelm. Floor to floor heights shall appear to conform to existing
6.2.8 GUIDELINE - Individual architectural & site elements shall reference and not conflict with predominant site and architectural elements of existing
6.3 Respecting the Prevailing Character When Designing New Development
6.3.1 Additions to Historic Buildings
GUIDELINE -Additions to historic buildings shall not be added to main historic facade(s) of the building. Locate the proposed addition away from the principal public view, possibly to the rear of the building. Respect the proportions of the building to which it is being added, so the addition does not dominate its historic environment. Do not obscure character defining features of the historic building with the addition.
GUIDELINE - Set an additional story well back form the roof edge to ensure that the historic building's proportions and profile are not radically changed.
GUIDELINE - Additions must respect character and integrity of the original buildings and should incorporate design motifs that relate it to the historic buildings. No mater what its design, it should be of quality workmanship and materials; and should be designed to be removed without damage to historic character.
GUIDELINES - While the addition should be compatible, it is acceptable and appropriate for the addition to be clearly discernable as an addition rather than appearing to be an original part of the building. Consider providing some differentiation in material, color and/or detailing and setting additions back from the historic building's wall plane.
6.3.2 New Construction
GUIDELINE - Build new structures to the rear of a historic buildings, where they have little or no impact on the streetscape. If the new building is visible from the street, respect the established setbacks and orientations of the historic buildings in the area. Landscaping is also an important component. A concrete or brick plaza adjacent to the sidewalk is incompatible in an area dominated by grassy lawns.
GUIDELINE - New construction shall reference predominant design characteristics that make an area distinctive in order to achieve creative and compatible design solutions that are more than just mere imitations of existing buildings.
6.3.3 Alterations to Non-Contributing Buildings Within Historic Areas
GUIDELINE - Do not add false historical details, make every effort to ensure that additions and alterations do not detract even further from the character of the historic environment, keeping in mind the design concepts in Section 6.2
6.3.4 Demolition and Relocation
RECOMMENDATION - Significant historic buildings shall not be demolished unless they are so unsound, that rehabilitation is not possible. Likewise, significant historic buildings shall not be moved off the property or relocated on the site, nor shall other buildings be moved onto the site. These changes destroy the historic integrity of the building and property.
6.3.5 Demolition by Neglect
GUIDELINE - Minimize the occurrence of demolition by neglect through the education of property owners concerning proper methods of upkeep and preservation ·
7.0 Commercial and Institutional Guidelines (Building Elements and Details)
7.1 Building Elements and Details
7.2 Commercial
7.2.1 Storefront/Lower Floor Spaces
GUIDELINE - Historic storefronts shall not be covered with inappropriate coverings that hide the character defining-elements and arrangement of the lower facade. Removal of these materials is strongly discouraged.
GUIDELINE - Rehabilitation of intact storefronts shall retain existing original storefront elements and their arrangement. In cases where the original storefront has been partially or completely removed, reconstruction of the storefront should be based upon historic, pictorial or physical documentation.
7.2.2 Upper Floor Spaces
GUIDELINE - Upper floors shall not be covered with materials that obscure the character-defining elements (such as windows and stylistic details) and their arrangement. Removal of non-historic materials is strongly encouraged.
GUIDELINE - Upper floor window openings shall not be infilled with any non-historic permanent materials. Restoration of infilled windows to theirs historic appearance is strongly recommended. Existing windows shall be retained and repaired. If necessary to replace original windows, replacement windows shall be compatible in size, material, and design with the historic windows. If necessary to infill window openings, the shapes and arrangement of those openings shall remain apparent.
7.2.3 Architectural Details
GUIDELINE - Retain original architectural details on commercial buildings. Repair of damaged features shall retain as much original material as possible. All replacement features shall be of compatible design to the originals and documents by historical evidence (See also 8.1.2)
7.2.4 Exterior Materials
GUIDELINE - Preserve exterior materials to the greatest extent possible. Work on these materials shall be undertaken with care. In the case of masonry work, repainting of masonry joints shall be undertaken only if necessary and appropriate techniques, tools, and materials shall be used to avoid damage to the historic masonry. Avoiding cleaning methods that damage original materials, such as sandblasting (See also 8.1.1)
GUIDELINE - If replacement of historic materials is necessary, the new materials shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Materials shall be replaced in kind.
7.2.5 Signage
GUIDELINE -Retain historic signs whenever possible, particularly when they have a historic association for the community or are significant for their design.
GUIDELINE - New signs for historic buildings shall respect the size, scale, and design of the historic buildings and shall not overpower the building or the adjacent historic buildings.
GUIDELINE -New signs shall not obscure significant features of the historic building, such as transom lights, windows, or other architectural details (see p. 80 for more detail)
7.2.6 Roofs
GUIDELINE - Maintain the original roof form. Roof additions that would be visible from the public right-of-way are strongly discouraged. If absolutely necessaty, they shall be placed so as to have minimum visual impact.
7.2.7: Rear Entrances
GUIDELINE - Retain and respect historic entrances on rear facades. New entrances on rear buildings shall be in keeping with the buildings architectural style, details, and materials. Improvements to the appearance of non-historic entrances, parking, and pedestrian areas are encouraged (See also 10.1.5)
7.2.8 Awnings
GUIDELINE - Awnings correctly placed over display windows are encouraged and often are suitable locations for signage. Canvas awnings are recommended, and metal and bubble awnings are discouraged. The design of the new awning shall consider the color, shape, and heights of surrounding awnings as well as the line of other awnings.
7.2.9 Historic Additions and Alterations
GUIDELINE - Preserve additions and alterations made to commercial buildings during historic period (particularly storefront additions) that have acquired significance in their own right.
Additions to Historic Buildings
GUIDELINE - Commercial building additions shall be placed to the rear and shall be compatible with the existing structure. Additions in height are discouraged. The application of rooftop mechanical systems shall be done with minimum visual impact from the public right-of-way (See also 6.3.1)
7.2.11 Vacant Lots & Non-Historic Infill
GUIDELINE - Where they exist, vacant lots shall be maintained and made attractive. New infill construction shall be visually compatible with adjacent commercial buildings in height, scale, setback, relationship of materials, fenestration, roof shape, design and orientation. Although infill construction should be complementary to existing historic buildings, it should not imitate them and be clearly identifiable as new construction(See 6.0)
7.3 Institutional
7.3.1 Distinctive Features
GUIDELINE - Retain distinctive features that characterize historic institutional buildings and make them visually prominent landmark buildings. Deteriorated features shall be repaired rather than replaced. When replacement is required, new features shall match the old in design, color, texture, and where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence (See Section 8.1.2)
7.3.2 Alterations and Additions
GUIDELINE - Alterations and the placement of additions on institutional buildings shall be accomplished without compromising the historic character of these structures. Additions shall not be placed on the front facade and shall have minimal visual impact from the public right-of-way. Alteration of the front fa ade is strongly discouraged (See Section 6.0 New Construction)
7.3.3 Adaptive Reuse
GUIDELINE - Proposed new uses for historic institutional buildings shall be compatible with the historic property so that minimal changes are necessaty. Institutional buildings adapted for new uses shall retain the distinctive feature and historic character of their original appearance and use.
RECOMMENDATION - Interior space changes should have minimal impact on the original material and floor plan. When all possible, these changes should be temporary in nature, allowing for future complete restoration of the interior space.
7.3.4 Health and Safety Code Compliance
GUIDELINE - Compliance with health and safety codes and handicap requirements shall be carried out with a minimum of impact to the historic character and materials of institutional buildings. Examples of acceptable solutions include the placement and design of ramps to be as unobtrusive as possible and the placement of fire escapes to the rear or on view-obstructed sides of a building.
8.0 Residential Rehabilitation Guidelines ( Building Elements and Details)
​8.1.1 Exterior Materials
GUIDELINE - Retain original wood siding, repair rather than replace damaged materials whenever possible. When necessary replace only deteriorated materials in-kind (size, shape, texture,, and material) paint removal and repainting shall not damage historic materials
GUIDELINE - Siding -The application of artificial or non- historic siding materials, such as brick veneers; asphalt shingle siding; and cementious, aluminum or vinyl siding are strongly discouraged. These materials are not successful in mimicking details of original wood siding and their use greatly compromises the historic integrity of buildings.
GUIDELINE - Retain original masonry without surface treatments, including paint, avoid treatments (chemical, sandblasting) that cause damage, masonry cleaning shall be gentlest means possible, repointing shall be with appropriate techniques, tools, and materials
GUIDELINE - Stucco facing requires periodic maintenance and shall be repaired with matching material in both appearance and texture
8.1.2 Architectural Details
GUIDELINE - Architectural details shall be maintained and treated sensitively, removal of such details or applying inappropriate details is strongly discouraged, repair rather than replace damaged elements whenever possible, details lost or beyond repair may be replaced with new based on evidence if new matches the old in composition, design, color, and texture
8.1.3 Entrances and Porches
GUIDELINE - Retain original porches and steps unless deteriorated beyond repair. Repair of porches shall not result in the removal of original materials (such as balusters, columns, handrails, brackets, and roof detailing) unless it is seriously deteriorated. If replacement materials must be introduced, the new materials shall match the old in design, color, texture, and wherever possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated, if possible, by documentary and physical evidence.
GUIDELINE - The enclosure of front porches, side porches, and porte cocheres, which are visible from the right-of-way, is strongly discouraged. Porches that are enclosed shall utilize transparent materials (such as screens or glass) to help retain open character of the design.
GUIDELINE - Retain original doors unless deteriorated beyond repair. Screen and storm doors shall not detract from the character of the house and shall be designed to be compatible with original doors. In the case of replacement for a deteriorated door, the new door shall be similar to the original in design, materials, color, and texture. Original door openings shall not be infilled on facades visible from the public right-of-way.
8.1.4. Windows
GUIDELINE - Retain existing windows; when deteriorated elements must be replaced, new shall be compatible in material, design, a hardware; replacement windows shall be sized to fit and duplicate proportions and configurations of the original.
GUIDELINE - The addition of storm windows shall not compromise the appearance of the original window appearance; storm windows shall not damage original materials and shall be removable in future.
8.1.5. Roofs, Chimneys, and Dormers
GUIDELINE - Retain original roof form; retain dormers; new skylights shall be unobtrusive; place new dormers out of the public view.
GUIDELINE - Repair historic roofing materials; clay tile and slate roofs are character-defining.
GUIDELINE - Maintain original chimneys; chimneys shall not be covered with stucco or any other undocumented material; prominent chimneys shall not be covered, removed, or replaced
8.1.6. Gutters
GUIDELINE - Retain gutters and downspouts in their original appearance and location
8.1.7. Foundations
GUIDELINE - Original foundation materials shall not be covered with·stucco or other materials; maintain appearance of pier foundations when infilled, use recessed lattice or solid materials with appropriate ventilation provisions
8.1.8. Exterior Colors
RECOMMENDATION - Owners are encouraged to determine range of colors and techniques applicable to the property. A source for paint applications and colors can be found in, "A Cenuny of Color: Exterior Decoration for American Buildings, 1820-1920" by Roger Moss
8.2. Interiors
RECOMMENDATIONS - Preserve historic floor plan; Preserve character-defining interior features; and retain significant mechanical, electrical and plumbing features
8.3. Maintenance
RECOMMENDATION - Provide regular maintenance to minimize the need to replace historic materials.
8.4. Non-historic Infill
NOTE - "A number of non-historic and sometimes incompatible buildings have been constructed in the Hampton Heights neighborhood over the years. The majority of these are apartment buildings that have provided needed housing in Spartanburg. Several of these buildings were constructed in the 1940's shortly after World War II and will soon be fifty years old and may be considered historic in their own right. Many of these buildings, however, have been neglected and are in need of general maintenance and repair. Rehabilitation treatments should follow the design guidelines provided in Section 8.1. - Building Elements and Details. If considered historic, the original character of these buildings should be maintained, and no attempt should be made to make them appear older."
9.0 Mill Village Rehabilitation Guidelines (House Types and Their Forms)
9.1.1 Building Height
GUIDELINE - Respect the original building height. Additions to a house shall not alter the original appearance of the front fa;ade.
9.1.2 Roof Form
GUIDELINE - Retain the original roof form. Non addition to a house shall greatly alter the original form of a roof or rend that form unrecognizable.
9.1.3 Porch Type and Placement
GUIDELINE - Retain original porches. Their important features such as roof shape and pitch, as well as their original size and placement shall not be altered.
GUIDELINE -The enclosure of front porches is discouraged. Porches that are enclosed shall utilize transparent materials, such as screen or glass, which will help maintain the original open character of the design.
9.1.4 Primary Entrance{s} - Number and Arrangement
GUIDELINE - Maintain the original number and placement of primary exterior doors on a house's front facade. Altering the location or infilling primary door openings is discouraged.
RECOMMENDATION - Exterior doors should be retained in their original locations even if they are no longer used as an entrance to maintain original exterior arrangements.
9.1.5 Chimney Placement
GUIDELINE - Original chimneys area character defining feature of historic house types and shall be properly maintained in their original locations. A prominent chimney that is no longer in use but still functions as an important element in the overall composition of a house and shall not be covered, removed or replaced.
9.1.6 Interior Floor Plan
RECOMMENDATION -Although not under the purview of the HARB, the original interior floor plan should be retained as much as possible. While additions and alterations may be made, particularly to the rear of a house, the original room arrangement that defines a building's house type should be respected.
9.2 Other Residential Building Elements and Details
Guidelines present in Section 8.0 should be used to supplement the guidelines presented in Section 9.1
9.3 Community Buildings and Spaces
GUIDELINE - Preserve community buildings and spaces that are significant in defining resources within a mill village. Rehabilitation treatments for community buildings shall follow the design guidelines provided in Section 7.3 and Section 8.0. Landscape rehabilitation of community spaces should follow the design guidelines provided in Section 10.3
10.0 Landscape Guidelines (Commercial)
Preservation of the Town Form
GUIDELINE - Protect the original layout of the commercial historic district through the preservation of the existing layout of the streets and sidewalks and the open space of Morgan Square.
10.1.2 Enhancement of Morgan Square
RECOMMENDATION - Morgan Square should be redesigned as the focal point in the commercial district though landscape and site improvements. Improvements should allow the space to function efficiently for vehicles and pedestrians, while visually expressing the square's role as a significant historic open space. The historic character of the downtown district should be highlighted through the use of materials and design elements that are applicable to the age of the district.
10.1.3 Recommended Vegetation
GUIDELINE - Maintain the informal character of street tree plantings in the district through the preservation of existing native trees and the replanting of trees using native hardwoods. Avoid the addition of trees with formal habits, such as Bradford Pears. Existing trees with formal habitats shall be replaced as they die or become aged with native hardwood species.
Maintain the historic character of the district through the use of trees appropriate to the age of the district. Crepe Myrtle and Ginkgo trees are examples of appropriate tree varieties introduced into this country prior to the establishment of the city. Bradford Pears is an example of a tree that was introduced in the early 1900's after the establishment of the city.
10.1.4 Compatible Streetscape Form and Materials
GUIDELINE - Improvements to the streetscape in the future shall strive to complement past improvements and add elements that reference the historic character of the commercial district. There should be compatibility in the use of materials and design elements throughout the downtown district.
10.1.5 Rear Access
RECOMMENDATION - Parking areas at the rear of the commercial blocks could be improved and their used increased through landscape enhancements and the creation of rear access points to the downtown buildings. Tree plantings within these large open parking lots is suggested to visually 'soften' and physically 'cool' these spaces. Tree and shrub plantings within the lots as well as on the edges are suggested as buffers to adjacent roads.
Rear access points to the buildings will buildings will enhance the viability of downtown buildings. Rear access points should be designated through signage and/or awnings at rear doorways to assist downtown visitors in. locating these businesses. Interior modifications may also be necessary to allow visitors to pass through rear sections of the buildings.
10.1.6 Gateway Opportunities
RECOMMENDATION - Gateway features should be considered at major access points in the downtown district. The design of gateways should reference the historic character of the district and complement existing materials and design elements in the town center
10.2.1 Vegetation Management
RECOMMENDATION - The mature hardwood forest within the Hampton Heights District should be perpetuated through a district-wide management program and replanting strategy. A management plan should be developed to preserve existing trees and to provide guidance for new plantings within the district. See page 114 for details of this plan.
' -
RECOMMENDATION - Aggressive exotic vegetation should be removed since it is a detriment to the natural ecology of an area. The following specification is one of the most effective approaches to removing kudzu. It requires cutting at strategic times and the use of 'Round Up,' the only pesticide used by the National Park Service.
10.2.2 Tree Replacement/Placement
GUIDELINE - The following are planting guidelines within available green spaces:
Green Space Recommended Tree Variety•
8' and greater oak, sycamore, tulip popular
4' to 8' maple, green ash, black gum
Planting Guideline:
Overhead wire present - Small native or non-native trees
Overhead wire absent - Large native hardwood trees
10.2.3 Walks and Drives
RECOMMENDATION - The established pattern of the walks and drives within the distinct should be continued Existing paving materials of concrete, asphalt and brick should be repaired where feasible. New surfaces should be compatible with these predominate materials. The use of driving lanes, designed to facilitate only the car's wheels, is a historic treatment, which is encouraged to retain porous surfaces.
10.2.4 Enclosures {Fences}
GUIDELINES - Fences are discouraged in front yard spaces of the district but are appropriate in rear yard spaces and along side yard boundary lines. Rear yard fences shall be coordinated with existing city codes (no tall than 6 ft.). Suggested materials for rear yard fencing include vegetation, wood and chain link. Vines are suggested to soften the appearance of the chain link fencing. If wood fencing is used, the paint color and design shall be compatible with the architecture of the adjacent residence. · Fence heights can range from 4 to 6 feet, depending on the reason for the enclosure.
10.2.5 Landscape Design
RECOMMENDATION - Suggested steps to follow in the redesign of residential landscapes are as follows: (1) Understand the original landscape design through historic research; (2) Compare the ting landscape with the documented historic landscape; (3) Identify any feature,s that are part of the historic landscape; (4) Be sensitive to the potential archeological features (refer to Section 10.2.10); (5) Identify the needs, develop a program for the site (circulation versus planting zone); and (6) Develop an updated plan for the landscape that retains as much historic material as possible, and accommodates today's functional needs in a manner that is the spirit of the historic design.
10.2.6 Accessory Buildings
GUIDELINE -New accessory buildings, such as garages and storage houses, shall be located in rear yard spaces and visually buffered from adjacent property owners and the public right-of- way. Accessory buildings that complement and/or duplicate the architecture of the adjacent residence do not require the same level of buffering but may remain more visible with the district.
GUIDELINE - Preserve accessory buildings that are original to their main houses as significant site elements. Rehabilitation treatments shall follow the design guidelines provided in Section 8.1, Building Elements and Details. The reconstruction of not longer extant accessory buildings shall be based on historic or physical documentation of the buildings' historic appearance, materials, and shape.
10.2.7 Parking
GUIDELINE - Parking shall be addressed in a manner that does not distract from the overall character of the district. Parking to serve private residential lots shall be accommodated on-site, when at all possible, using the pathway of original drives and parking. It is preferable to expand an existing driveway for parking, rather than to add a separate parking pad. Plant materials can be added around parking spaces to visually buffer the parking from the street.
10.2.8 Mechanical Systems
GUIDELINES - Mechanical systems such as air-conditioning and heating systems and gas meters (also applies to satellite dishes and other similar technologies) shall be situated in non-intrusive locations on a structure. The principal elevation of a building shall not be disturbed by the addition of mechanical services. These unitarian units shall be screened from view using appropriate fencing or vegetation. •
10.2.9 Watershed Protection
GUIDELINE - River protection legislation at the state level requires a 25 ft. setback from the top a creek bank in the construction of new buildings. All construction in Hampton Heights should follow this setback requirement (for all primary, secondary and tertiary creek areas and drainage ways.) This role shall be applied to all drainage ways within the Hampton Heights Historic District as a method of limiting development in these environmentally sensitive areas.
10.2.10 Archeological Resources
GUIDELINE- When planning new construction, additions, or site improvements, minimize disturbance of terrain to reduce the possibility of destroying unknown archeological materials. Sanborn Insurance Maps will assist in identifying any potential archeological resources by providing footprints of buildings that may have previously existed on a site.
RECOMMENDATION - Consult with a qualified archeology professionals to identify potential archeological resources. Preserve in place known archeological material whenever possible.
10.3.1 The Mill Community and Preservation of Open Space
GUIDELINE - Preserve significant open spaces, such as the community ball-field and community garden space. Such spaces have historically provided an area for social interaction between residents and should be retained to encourage social activities with the neighborhood.
10.3.2 Preservation and Enhancement of Existing Landscaping Character
RECOMMENDATION - The existing landscape character of the Beaumont Mills Historic District should be maintained through the following actions.
RECOMMENDATION - Preservation of the original community form through the maintenance of the existing pedestrian system and the preservation of the existing greenspace adjacent to roadways.
RECOMMENDATION - Preservation of existing fence enclosure and the addition of new fence enclosures following existing patterns.
10.3 Historical Associations
RECOMMENDATION - Historical associations between the residential mill community and the railroad and mill structure should be retained Preservation of the existing railroad corridor as an active railroad corridor, or, if abandoned, a community pedestrian trail is suggested Enhancements to the pedestrian connection between the residential village and the mill building is also recommended.
11.0 Guidelines for Non-Historic Properties
GUIDELINE - Evaluate any change to a non-historic building for its potential impacts to any historic properties in the area of influence of the non-historic property. Guidelines presented in Section 6.0: New Construction Guidelines are relevant to such evaluations.

Attend a HARB meeting
HARB (Board of Architectural Design and Historic Review) meetings take place on the second Thursday at 5:30 PM at City Council Chambers - 145 W Broad Street and are open to the public. Neighbors can voice their opinion about
properties in Hampton Heights that are asking HARB for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Major Works.
Items on the next HARB meeting agenda are posted on the Hampton Heights monthly newsletter as well as on the City website.